Monday, 28 May 2012

Objectives of the "DHAROHAR" club

As per the CBSE guidelines A Heritage Education Programme  - to promote heritage education has been taken up by our school g d Salwan  Public school ,New Delhi. We firmly believe that heritage education is important for the following reasons:
1. To bring history and social science curriculum alive for the students through active learning and doing.
2. To promote awareness of and involvement in heritage to inculcate a respect for diversity ,tolerance ,mutual understanding, patience and promotes peaceful co existence in our children.
3.To inspire  young children and encourage them to build a future through an understanding of the past and the present. 
4. To equip we children to understand and explore their local heritage and gain a confident sense of self.
5. To encourage we  children to learn about national heritage as well as gain exposure to different heritages around the country.

These are the objectives of our Heritage Club  and this is what we plan to achieve through the various activities done through out the year by  the proud members of "DHAROHAR"

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